
Python Study (1) - Introduce Python


Why do I study Python  
Each program has advantage itself, why I study python program? This book(*1)
      give us several  advantages :

      1   Software quality : Python script is designed to be readable , reusable and
      2   Developer productivity : We don't need to complie program.
      3.  Program portability :  It is portable and  run on any operating  system
      4.  Module :  many module is written in python
      5.  Easy : Easy to learn, easy to read, easy to maintain

     Many companys adopt Python language to develop its products. such as :google,

      youtube, dropbox, google app engine...etc

What do python do          
         1. GUI 

         2. OS program
         3. Internet program
         4. Component Integration
         5, Database program

Python feature       
         1. Dynamic typing : you don't need to
declare a type or variable size in advance.
            Such as:  i = 0 ;
         2. Automatic memory management :  it   when the object is created
it can automatic create  and destroy

              object. python
         3. third-party utilities : developers  contribute many packages that is write in
             Python. To use these  save  your development time.
         4. easy to use : like human  syntax and simple read or write.
         5. free  :  It is free.

Download python             
              Download python install : https://www.python.org/downloads/

               Python 2.X  : it is a legacy.
               Python 3.X  : it is a evolution software and new features. such as: Unicode support.

               which version should I use : ref https://wiki.python.org/moin/Python2orPython3


    Execute Python


  •  Python script execute          
               When the python code(.py) is executed first time, it will be into bytecode(.pyc).

                Bytecode is an implementation detail of the CPython interprete and low-level code.
                Bytecode makes execute faster than original source .
  • Python Virtual Machine(PVM)                  
             Python code is compiled to byte code(.pyc), PVM will execute the byte code.

              PVM is a engin of Python.

    • Setting variable environment
    1. Set your python environment variable
            Edit Path : C:\Python27\; C:\Python27\Scripts

         > python
        > ctrl + Z

        If you had installed many python versions, you can py -2 or  py -3 to switch   
         different  python version.

  •  Use IDLE
         1. Select IDLE , open Python Shell window    
          2. Execute python code

         3. To write python's script
        open New File.

        write a program

        Run Module or F5

        The script has executed and right to get answer

           *1. Learning Python, 5th Edition, O'Reilly Media, ISBN:978-1-44935-573-9
  • 留言



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    今天介紹如何利用php網頁呼叫目錄下的python程式工作或是資料交換,本人整理的方法有兩種 使用system()、exec()、shell_exec()呼叫程式 (1) string system ( string return_var ] ) 參考網址 官網解釋system()用來執行外部命令,返回為印出的結果,passthru()跟system()類似但是它不會返回結果。 範例1. 利用system執行ls指定並顯示在網頁上,無法使用變數保留ls的結果 檔案名稱: psystem.php $jsondata= system("ls -al", $result); 結果: (2) exec() : string exec ( string output [, int &$return_var ]] ) 參考網址 範例2. 利用exec執行python程式並可以回傳json格式給前端網頁做處理並顯示。我們ptopy.php就是可以看到callpy()為執行py的函式,它執行完pyEx01.py會將結果給$jsondata變數,做後面json解析。 檔案名稱: ptopy.php function callpy() { $jsondata= exec("/usr/bin/python pyEx01.py"); return $jsondata ; } $jsondata= callpy(); echo $jsondata ; echo " " ; $obj = json_decode($jsondata) ; echo "name:".$obj-> { 'name'} .',' ; echo "id:".$obj-> { 'id'} ; 檔案名稱: pyEx01.py import sys ...